Arnold, You need to tell people about the leaves since that is one of the first distinctive features. One or two or more. The next feature to look for is whether the flowers are sessile or subsessile or have long pedicels, that is are the flowers attached to the stem directly, or with a very short or longer flower stalk. After that you need to know the size of the flowers (under 18 mm) or 20 to 35 mm. Finally you need to say if the stamens are well exserted or included or shortly exserted. There are a lot of species so all of these features help you figure it out. The Color Encyclopedia of Cape Bulbs says that the stamens on L. liliflora are included even though the photo in Graham Duncan's book shows them shortly exserted. Yours looks much more exserted to me. Other pictures that are supposed to be of this species show a huge range of how exserted they look however. L. splendida, Pam's guess has two lanceolate leaves, bell shaped flowers that are sessile (no flower stalk), and anthers exserted. Perianth is 9 to 11 mm. You can't tell size from a picture. Flowers are pale blue and bright lilac with greenish brown markings. I've tried to key out species I've grown from unidentified Lachenalia seed and sometimes nothing quite fits. There is the possibility always that what you have is a hybrid if it is grown from seed collected when many were in bloom at the same time. Regardless, it is a very pretty flower. Mary Sue