Ledebouria socialis...maybe?

dave s wusong@evilemail.com
Fri, 25 Mar 2011 17:40:09 PDT
I guess I phrased things lousily - I HAVE "Miner" and am looking for
socialis w/data.

BTW, do you have the socialis formerly known as "pauciflora?"

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 8:38 PM, dave s <wusong@evilemail.com> wrote:

> Yeah, I basically beat mine into submission with a bone, dead dry wnter.
> But the fact that it seems happy to grow in winter, or in spring, and will
> grow in summer xcept in extreme heat makes me think it could be a hybrid of
> socialis and some winter growing *Ledebouria*.  OTOH, it's SO distinct
> that maybe it's an undescribed species...? Oh well.
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 7:18 PM, Steve Marak <samarak@gizmoworks.com>wrote:
>> Dave,
>> No idea about the origin of the plant - I got it from John. For me, the
>> activity cycle is still a mystery, as I have it in every stage of growth
>> from leafless dormant bulb to flowering, all within a few feet of each
>> other, as I write this. And even what appear to be a few seedlings,
>> germinated in a pot which was under an infloresence.
>> (I have so much I've considered sending a bunch to Dell for the BX, but
>> wasn't sure if others would like it as much as I do.)
>> Steve
>> On Fri, 25 Mar 2011, dave s wrote:
>> > I asked about the plant *Ledebouria socialis* "Miner" (named in a rare
>> fit
>> > of Steve-Hammeritude by John Trager) a while back, nd no one had any
>> ideas.
>> > I just thought I'd float the question out there again:  Does anyone know
>> the
>> > origin of this plant? It seems to have a slightly different activity
>> cycle
>> > from other forms of socialis.  Not by much, but... Also, (forgive me)
>> > anybody want to trade some for socialis clones WITH LOCALITY DATA?
>> -- Steve Marak
>> -- samarak@gizmoworks.com
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