Absurdly warm weather yesterday, 71 degrees Fahrenheit and sunny to boot. Little bulbs hurling themselves out of the earth and into flower with gay abandon: masses of Eranthis hyemalis and three sparse patches of E. pinnatifida. Lots of Galanthus, including Galanthus ikariae which used to be known as G. woronowii. Mine must be a good clone as they flower quite nicely. Generous amounts of Leucojum vernum. Crocus tommasinianus which apparently avoids depredation by the deer. A few Cyclamen coum, and more Scilla mischtschenkoana (an aside - I really, really prefer the older name of S. tubergeniana - not only easier to spell it's not pronounced like a cat's sneeze) And Colchicum (=Bulbocodium) vernum also in bloom. Fritillaria imperialis are emerging but have a ways to go before flowering. The fancies of Spring, ever welcome and delightful. There are images of these bulbs on my web site: http://www.bellewood-gardens.com/ Then go to Diary, and click on BelleWood in Bloom 2011. Last Thursday I went to the rock garden at the New York Botanical Garden after teaching my class. Cyclamen coum in profuse bloom, lots of bulbous iris, small daffodils - so nice. Judy in New Jersey where today is sunny, cooler than yesterday, and snow showers predicted for next Thursday