Hi, This is my last post on our Eastern Cape Trip and the last page of Naude's Nek photos. When I used to think of bulbs from South Africa, I used to think of the bulb capital of the world at Nieuwoudtville and all the winter rainfall bulbs. But as my posts have shown there are many summer rainfall bulbs and some of them grow at high elevations. Ellen Hornig has found many of them quite hardy although she does have a cover of snow in winter. On the last Naude's Nek page are two Ornithogalums, a white one we couldn't identify and O. viridiflorum (Galtonia viridiflora). We saw some of the Oxalis we saw before. I've not been able to identify all of them. There aren't many Oxalis with umbelliform orange flowers and the one we saw in several places doesn't quite fit any of the descriptions. According to Christiaan, O. davyana is a large robust plant, O. semiloba is also a much bigger plant, and O. stenorrhyncha is supposed to be caulescent and glabrous and the plants we saw were not. If any of you have any ideas about the unidentified species please let me know. We also saw Rhodohypoxis on Naude's Nek. There are six Rhodohypoxis species and four of them are Drakensberg Mountain endemics. I've added descriptions of them from the Pooley Mountain Flowers book to the Rhodohypoxis wiki page, but I find the distinctions that help you tell them apart a bit of a challenge. When we made our nightly plant list after Naude's Nek we were told the species we saw on Naude's Nek was Rhodohypoxis rubella, but they looked like what I knew as R. baurii. Our final list had both of them on it. Rhoda was kind enough to send me some of Cameron's photos of some of the other species which he saw on other trips and I have added them. I am hoping someone will help me figure out if what we saw was R. baurii or R. rubella. The flowers are supposed to be much smaller on the latter and photographs don't really help you figure out sizes. On the summit growing in gravel we saw two Romuleas. Being a Romulea fan, I was quite excited about this. One of them is now apparently known as R. camerooniana although some of you may know it or see it in seed lists as R. campanuloides or R. thodei. One of our photos shows the two species growing together. We saw three more orchids, Satyriums, a Trachyandra, Tulbaghia montana on the summit, and two Wurmbeas, a very striking one with blotches, Wurmbea elatior, and a very tiny one growing in a very wet place, W. kraussii. The spots in the photos of it are water drops. This turned out to be a much bigger project than I envisioned when I thought it would be nice in our cold northern hemisphere months to look at summer hemisphere flowers, but our pbs wiki didn't have a lot of these plants included and now it does. <http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/…> Mary Sue