Fungus Gnats
Mon, 21 Mar 2011 09:32:22 PDT
I understand the "scare tactic" of not wiping out a fungus gnat infestation with every chemical known to man. Some of us choose what is best for the environment, as well as a natural approach to growing. 
The Yellow traps, "indicators" or otherwise, do the job for me. 
I'm sure they do a great job in eliminating weak seedlings that would lead to a weak plant, just as in nature. 





-----Original Message-----
From: Hans-Werner Hammen <>
To: pbs pbs <>
Sent: Mon, Mar 21, 2011 12:23 pm
Subject: Re: [pbs] Fungus Gnats

Greetings from GERMANY

Rational thinking VERSUS sweet wishdreams, I.O.W.:

Yellow sticky traps are merely useable as an indicator for the prevalence of 

that pest.

If you raise seedlings you are badly advised, to omit a genuine, effective pest 

control, and you might experience a devastating outcome even.

One síngle female fungus gnat will lay more than 100 eggs, and, all the worse, 

apportionedly on several locations.


> To:

> Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 10:38:10 -0400

> From:

> Subject: Re: [pbs] Fungus Gnats


> For those who don't like using chemicals, like myself, I use the yellow sticky 

traps. They really work. Yes, you will always have a few gnats fluttering 

around, but that's nature. Nature was not intended to be sterile. 




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