Outstanding BX payments

arnold140@verizon.net arnold140@verizon.net
Mon, 16 May 2011 19:00:18 PDT

Your account is up to date.

Are they still celebrating in Manchester?


May 16, 2011 07:42:29 AM, pbs@lists.ibiblio.org wrote:


I made a paypal payment for the last BX order I received on Friday evening last week.  As far as I am aware, thats me up to date?

Best wishes


On 15 May 2011, at 19:07, arnold140@verizon.net wrote:

> Dear PBS Members:
> To those of you who patronize the BX I sure you appreciate the service and access to rare and unusual bulbs and seeds.
> In the past we have relied on the honor system of paying for these outstanding bulbs and seeds and haven't had to remind members to send in their payments.
> Dell works tirelessly on making sure everyone get a chance to get some of the geophytic treasures.
> The small excess allows your Society  to fund all the other PBS services like the Quarterly Bulb Garden and biennial Membership Directory.
> There are a number of members with outstanding BX payments. 
> If you're note sure of your status  drop me a private note and I'll let you know what we have on record for you.  Please send an inquires to arnold140 at verizon.net
> Arnold Trachtenberg
> Treasurer, PBS
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James Hitchmough
Professor of Horticultural Ecology
Dept of Landscape  

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