Oca and flowering

Nhu Nguyen xerantheum@gmail.com
Sat, 12 Nov 2011 13:39:42 PST

I wait until the leaves die down and the stem look really bad. This allows
the plant to build up as much tuber mass as possible. I usually harvest the
tubers in early December. They will remain nice and plump for a few months
with the rain but will start to shrivel if you don't give them enough
moisture. I pick out the seed tubers for the following year and plant those
into a well drained mix of peat and perlite and keep them outside (not
freezing). They get watered occasionally to keep the peat moist. The tubers
will stay in dormancy in the moist peat until the growing season when I
take them out of their peat home and plant them in the ground (or large

Roland, when you said you bury the stem, do you mean you treat them as if
you were growing potatoes?


On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 11:36 PM, Bulborum Botanicum <bulborum@gmail.com>wrote:

> Mark
> the later the better
> And I buried most of the stem for a larger harvest of tubers
> I harvested them just for the frost (here half or end December)
> where I lived in Holland they where not hardy
> I did not try to grow them here in France
> Roland

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