Dichelostemma, was Depth and California bulbs

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Thu, 10 Nov 2011 22:32:34 PST
At 10:18 PM 11/9/2011, John Wickham wrote:
>  I've found the Dichelostemma capitatum produce droppers wildly 
> around the pot instead of offsets or cormlets , with other 
> Dichelostemma species produce offsets or cormlets (sometimes 
> profusely) directly attached to the basal plate.

In going through a box of papers we just found an article in The Four 
Seasons written by Glenn Keator about Dichelostemma. In his comments 
about D. capitatum he writes: "It is important to note that this 
species stands alone because of its early flowering, stoloniferous 
offsets, epigeous germination, and two sets of fertile stamens, small 
alternating with large. " It is also very wild spread, found from sea 
level to 7000 ft (2133 m). It grows from Oregon to Baja California 
and off shore Islands. Glen describes 17 different plant communities 
it is found in and he doesn't include serpentine (we saw some dwarf 
looking ones growing in such a habitat.) So it would seem for this 
species that knowing the source of your seeds would be important for 
successfully siting and growing them.  I recommended you look at the wiki page:
and look at Nhu's photos of the roots of this species and then click 
show more to see variations from many different places.

Mary Sue 

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