PBS meeting 2012 - save the date

Nhu Nguyen xerantheum@gmail.com
Mon, 10 Oct 2011 22:01:33 PDT
Greetings bulbophiles,

The last PBS get together in Berkeley was such a success and we all had so
much fun that I threatened to organize another one - and I'm doing just
that. This time though, I want to make it a big 2-days event for PBS's 10th
birthday. Paul Licht has generously booked a conference room for us at the
UC Botanical Garden in Berkeley, California. So far, the tentative plan is
to have a whole day of a few short talks, garden walks, and of course plenty
of the essential chatting and food. The next day would be a fieldtrip to see
bulbs in the wild, I'm thinking Mt. Diablo because it has a number of very
interesting geophytes to offer, along with a number of other very nice Mt.
Diablo endemics and California natives.

To tempt you, the geophyte list includes the endemic Calochortus pulchellus,
Allium falcifolium both purple and white forms, Allium serra, Delphinium
nudicaule, Fritillaria affinis, Chlorogalum pomeridianum, Marah fabaceus,
Triteleia laxa, T. hyacinthina, Dichelostemma capitatum, D. congestum,
Zigadenus freemontii, Sisyrinchium bellum, Lewisia rediviva and possibly
more! The fieldtrip is somewhat tentative since I don't know how many people
are interested in participating.

April in California is a beautiful time with sporadic rain and beautiful
sunshine. It is a little too late for the mass blooming of desert
wildflowers in the south (usually first week of April) but northern CA is
usually in good bloom. Even if there weren't lots of wildflowers, the
northern CA coast is absolutely gorgeous in April, not to mention the
redwood forests that are not too awfully far away.

So, hopefully with that, I have tempted you enough to think about joining us
for a weekend full of geophytes and company with people who love them. If
you think you'd be interested, save these dates below:

Saturday, April 21 - main meeting
Sunday, April 22 - fieldtrip

More details when the dates gets closer. If you have any questions, please
feel free to contact me.


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