Brunsvigia josephinae

Paul Licht
Sat, 17 Sep 2011 07:28:21 PDT
We had two large Josephne lilies (wild collected material) in our S. 
Africa collection since 1973. We typically get one bloom each summer. 
The massive bulbs have made several offsets which are now very large and 
for the first time, we have two pairs of blooms. I just posted a image 
(from yesterday) of the largest pair on our facebook 
(  Although I've produced 
many seedlings over the past 5yrs, I'm not sure I'll be around to see 
them bloom. One of our now retired staff just told me that he started a 
seed 17yrs ago and it finally bloomed this year.

On another topic, for those in our area, we are making arrangements for 
the local PBSers to meet in the Garden next April.

Paul Licht, Director
Univ. California Botanical Garden
200 Centennial Drive
Berkeley, CA 94720

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