Yellow Autumn flowering Allium

Thu, 22 Sep 2011 23:26:44 PDT
Dear Mark,
Many thanks for the most helpful and erudte information.
It was in mid October last year that I was in the Peloponese.
I did find two other species, lots of Allium callimischon and something much like Allium chamaespathum as well.
The one I would like to identify if possible was pale yellow not green nor white.
I don't have a photo of it sorry, as it is not performing for me this year.It has just leaves.
I will take photos if it flowers next year.
Kind regards,

M.W. Brown
1924 route de la mer
76119 Sainte Marguerite-sur-mer

"There's a surprising number of fall bloomers from the region, some are > endemic while others range into neighboring areas like Turkey and > Cyprus. Of those Grecian Allium species that I think are late blooming > include: apolloniensis, aegilicum, ritsii, callimischon, chamaespathum, > tardans, dilitatum, eivissanum, pentadactyli, chalkii, rhodiacum, > platakisii, cupani ssp. hirtovaginatum, brussalisii (2008), > archeotrichon, etc. I can't tell you which of these might have yellow > flowers.> Mark McDonough"

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