desert merremia
Tue, 27 Sep 2011 16:20:42 PDT
Mine is a blooming right now and if it sets seed  before it freezes I'd be  
happy to send you some

Tolleson, Az
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

-----Original message-----
From: Johannes-Ulrich Urban <>
To: Pacifib Bulb Society  messages <>
Sent: Tue, Sep 27, 2011 23:09:00 GMT+00:00
Subject: [pbs] desert merremia

Dear All,

A few years ago, I remember a contribution mentioning a Merremia species
(yellow tuberous morning glory but I do not remember the name) native to
the south western US rambling over the gates of one of those botanical
gardens in the South West and, and that is the point, scattering its
seeds all over on the pavement. Does that ring a bell with someone?
Would someone  be willing to help me in getting a starting portion of
seed of that Merremia? Please contact me privately for details of
payment etc. Or could this go through the BX?

Looking forward to hear from you, greetings from a mild lat summer in


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