
Nhu Nguyen
Fri, 10 Feb 2012 11:50:35 PST
Jim, whoops, I misread your comment. I actually have some plants that came
from you. They did not like the little bit of frost this winter though. I
think they'll be ok but probably will not flower for me until next year so
I won't have photos to contribute to the wiki until then.

Diana, here is an interesting aside in floral development. Sepals, petals,
and stamen are all modified leaves. During development, the meristem tissue
differentiate into the sepals, petals, and stamens. If they differentiate
by mistake, the stamens can be turned into petals. This is the case with
hybrid roses and as you observed in the Oxalis = all of the stamens have
been turned into petals. This is called the ABC model of floral development.


On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 11:35 AM, Diana Chapman <>wrote:

> I honestly don't know if the double one I have is O. pes caprae or O.
> compressa.  Since there are no stamens, stigma, seed, etc. I think it's
> hard to tell for sure which one it is.

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