Seeking contact with Dennis Tsang

Jane McGary
Tue, 24 Jan 2012 11:54:56 PST
This inquiry came to the PBS website. If you can assist Margareta 
Edqvist, please write to her directly.
Thanks, Jane McGary, Membership

Subject: PBS website contact:I try to find a friend
>From: Margareta Edqvist <>
>This is a message from the PBS website for janemcgary.
>I was in contact with Dennis Tsang, Hong Kong under1990 century o 
>the beginning of the 2000s, we changed bulbs. Then we lost each 
>other. I would be enormously grateful if he is a member of you that 
>you convey this or give me his email address
>  Chairman of the Swedish Botanical Society
> @

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