Cutting text from previous conversations.....

steven hart
Mon, 30 Jan 2012 21:46:45 PST
 I hope Mary Sue does not mind someone else having a crack at explaining
removing text from previous conversations in simple terms....

She tries so hard to get us all to comply with the system but many of
us seem to get it wrong over & over again, excusable for non members who
might not realise, but the rest of us who are members have no excuse, &
should try to help by letting people know privately if there is a need to
do so.... It would appear some of us are not sure how to do this or why it
is so necessary .....

 No wonder poor Mary Sue feels like a broken record.....
I hope i explain this correctly below, if i get it wrong you can all tare
strips off me !

 *Why are we asked to do this ?*

   1. The data space you all enjoy on PBS is donated by a library,  so if
   we are asked to reduce information to a reasonable level,  I'm sure this is
   only fair....
   2. Large amounts of repeated information, causes difficulties in the way
   the messages are delivered for some users, overloading their system,
   another good reason to comply.......

*Which part of a conversation should you keep ?*

   1. Keep the heading from the previous conversation & a few words or
   lines so it is easy for readers to know which previous conversation is
   2. You might want to coment on part of a conversation, so keep that
   part, as well as the heading.

*Example :*

On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 9:20 PM, Ina Crossley <> wrote:
Does anyone have the sterile form ?  (you might wish to add,  of
Zephyranthes Grandiflora)  if you think it is necessary....
*How do i remove part of the previous conversation ?*

   1. You can easily highlight the part of the conversation you wish to
   remove by left clicking your mouse beside the last word you wish to remove,
   hold the left button down on your mouse & wipe the mouse across & up or
   down until its highlighted what you want to remove & then hit delete while
   it is still highlighted...
   2. If highlighting as above is too hard, you can start by clicking your
   mouse at the very last part of the conversation & just backspace until you
   remove what you want to.

Some of you will notice sometimes the links at the bottom, Org, Wiki, etc
can sometimes be repeated more than once so you can remove them too.

I hope this helps you all understand a bit better, if i can work it out any
one can, I have the memory of a goldfish  :  )

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