Hippeastrum leaf problem - Help Needed !

Seth J. Wingate seth@svn.net
Sat, 28 Jan 2012 03:14:41 PST
Hello again Steven,

PBS has an informative and useful page on Viruses.  I hope the link will 
show up below (this is my first try on this list).


Yes, unfortunately MV can spread and infect an entire collection.  To my 
knowledge, there is no effective treatment or cure.  Crinums are 
susceptible to Crinum mosaic virus. Hippeastrums appear to be 
susceptible to several different types of MV (e.g., hippeastrum mosaic 
virus, tobacco mosaic virus, and cucumber mosaic virus).  I do not know 
if the types of virus that attack Hippeastrums can infect Crinums. 
Perhaps, someone more expert than I would please enlighten us on this issue.

To date, I have seen no signs of MV in my large collection, but I do 
have concerns as some plants may not show any symptoms.  I have several 
dear friends who have destroyed many (in some cases 200+) precious 
Hippeastrum clones and hybrids that displayed clear signs of MV.  
Although for them it was a very difficult and heartbreaking decision to 
make, I think it was the right thing to do.

As mentioned in a previous thread, H. papilio appears to be resistant to 
MV.  If the bulbs in question are rare and/or valuable for sentimental 
reasons, the PBS page has a suggestion about quarantining the bulbs with 
the hope of obtaining virus-free seed before destroying the infected 
bulbs.  One friend built a cage out of very fine gauge mesh to house 
infected bulbs to await one last blooming and pollination attempt prior 
to burning them.

In closing, I sincerely hope that MV does not spread to your other 
bulbs.  I cannot sufficiently stress the importance of obtaining bulbs 
from reputable suppliers, keeping your tools and growing areas clean, 
vigilantly watching for pests, isolating plants when you introduce them 
into your collection until they appear to be free of disease, and 
growing your bulbs from seed whenever possible.

Best wishes to you,


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