my first Moraea polystachya flower

Sun, 08 Jul 2012 08:30:42 PDT
Congratulations Ina on your first Moraea polystachya bloom. That is a lovely flower, whether or not the color is true. I like to compare blues between my bulbous flowers so I include "painter's Blue Tape" in the photo and then adjust the colors so that the Blue Tape matches the real thing. 
Im growing M. polystachya from BX seeds sowed this winter.  So far only a pair of thin leaves and dormant now.  (It is summer here.) If yours is from seed, how long did it take to flower? 
Here is a picture of my Moraea tripetala, from corms I purchased from Telos, showing how the Blue Tape is put in the photo:…
(Click on the "Show morphometry..." to expand that section.)
- Gastil

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