Mary wrote: >> We have squirrels in the neighborhood, but I don't usually have them in my garden because of my dog. Would other rodents do this? (ick) Raccoons? Something digs in the pots in the early summer (now), and in the winter I find lachenalia coming up in the sparaxis. If it were in my garden, the culprits would be either rodents or birds, probably rodents. But they don't usually rearrange bulbs; they eat them. A pot visited by rodents is usually a heartbreaking mix of churned soil and empty bulb husks. I put a piece of chicken wire under the surface of the soil in my pots to prevent this. In the past I used galvanized chicken wire, but a friend suggested that I try the plastic stuff. It's much easier to cut, and so far I've had good success with it. Good luck! Mike San Jose, CA