Zephyranthes and Habranthus

Bulborum Botanicum bulborum@gmail.com
Sat, 30 Jun 2012 00:59:49 PDT
Have a look here Terry


Your Gladiolus serpenticola I have never seen in flower
I just googled it
and there is a nice picture in the wiki


2012/6/30 terry frewin <frewintp@gmail.com>:
> must be summer Roland!
> All that is flowering here now are the Alstromerias (in the garden), the
> last of the Gladiolus serpenticola and an early Narcissus - one of the
> hoops - a pale cream/yellow (in pots).  Wonder if anyone would hazard a
> guess as to what species this early one could be, if it stops raining I'll
> get a photo, terry

R de Boer
La Maugardiere 1

Phone./Fax 0033-232-576-204
Email:   bulborum@gmail.com

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