just for fun

Richard richrd@nas.com
Wed, 30 May 2012 19:21:53 PDT
I've been saving closeups of dissected flowers to demonstrate key features for id and future reference. 

Dichelostemma congesta
<http://flic.kr/p/c8u2sb/>     <http://flic.kr/p/c8u3YU/>
Triteleia laxa
<http://flic.kr/p/c8u25S/>    <http://flic.kr/p/c8u8oh/>

A beautiful checker lily in natural understory habitat of eastern Washington ponderosa pine forest.


A Camassia quamash strain I ran across near Satus Pass,  Eastern Washington with striking yellow stamens. Ours in western Washington has pale blue stamens


Taken with Canon Powershot SX30 IS, just now appreciating  it's manual, closeup photography

Rich H 

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