Cosmos atrosanguineus

David Pilling
Mon, 17 Sep 2012 04:18:35 PDT

The first year I tried growing Cosmos, I bought dry tubers from the 
supermarket - they looked like dahlia tubers and they didn't make it 
into full size plants.

Second time, I bought them from a Dutch bulb company and they supplied 
the plants in soil filled pots - no problem.

It's a pity the "Kew clone", the only one that most people had until 
recently does not have a name - since there are going to be lots of 
different named ones and species.

If anyone would like to photograph some seed (and email me the file), 
I'd be happy to add it to the PBS wiki page.

I suspect this will be no big deal, the flowers look much like Cosmos 
sulphureus to me.

It used to be called Bidens atrosanguinea or 'black bidens'.

David Pilling

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