a Gladiolus to identify

Shmuel Silinsky gardenbetter@gmail.com
Thu, 11 Apr 2013 04:32:34 PDT

As a non-expert it really looks very much like Gladiolus italicus. An
identifying cluse is the lower petal have a lighter stripe in the middle,
though I don't know if other glads heve that too,  . Perhaps this website
photo will help:

They are finishing blooming here now.

All the best,

Shmuel Silinsky
Jerusalem, Israel
USDA zone 9

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 1:47 PM, M. Gastil-Buhl <gastil.buhl@gmail.com>wrote:

> Thank you Dylan and Lauw for G. communis and G. italicus. I agree both
> these species resemble my plant in some ways.
> At first, from most photos, I would have agreed with G. communis. But
> based on anther length and corm texture, my best guess now is G.
> italicus,
> now that I have seen the Bulb Garden article.
> The Gladiolus italicus in the Bulb'Argence picture
> see:
> http://bulbargence.com/m_catalogue/article.php/…
> has floral bracts tinted red or purplish-green. Is that just the
> lighting in the photo?
> My un-labeled Gladiolus has floral bracts the same color as its
> leaves, a light to medium green with no hint of red.
> My Gladiolus petals are narrow and pointed, but not quite as
> dramatically as the above Gladiolus italicus. And the white streaks on
> the bottom petals are not as pronounced. But there is a resemblance.
> Looking at the Gladiolus italicus photos on the PBS wiki I do see a
> resemblance between mine and the first photo, but not the 4th photo.
> http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/…
> Not an identical match, but close. But that photo does not resemble
> the G. italicus on the Bulb'Argence site.
> I looked at Gladiolus communis as Dylan suggested and some of the
> photos on google image do resemble my plant, others do not.
> The photo on the pbs wiki
> http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/…
> has petals more broad than mine and more blooms per stalk.
> Having narrowed the field, I looked for a key to distinguish these two
> species.
> I found a thesis about G. illyricus in Britain which also covers G.
> italicus adn G. communis and keys those two apart by the length of the
> anther relative to the filament. (I do wonder if anthers and filaments
> shrink the same amount as they dry for herbarium preparation.)
> page 10
> G. communis = anther shorter than filament
> G. italicus = anther longer than filament
> I took new photos to show that on my unlabeled Gladiolus, the anthers
> are longer than the filaments.
> http://flickr.com/photos/gastils_garden/…
> The thesis 'The Taxonomic Status of Gladiolus illyricus (Iridaceae) in
> Britain' by Aeron Buchanan got those criteria from
> T. G. Tutin, V. H. Heywood, N. A. Burges and D. H. Valentine
> (Editors), 1980, Flora Europaea.
> Volume 5. Alismataceae to Orchidaceae (Monocotyledones), Cambridge
> University Press.
> Before I was a PBS member, there was an article in The Bulb Garden
> which describes the Italian Gladiolus species.
> A draft of that article was mailed to me this morning and this clears
> up the matter.
> Angelo Porcelli writes about how the seeds of G. italicus are unique
> in that they are not winged. I will have to wait to see seeds.
> Comparing my corms to his, I would lean toward G. italicus. And he
> writes that G. italicus is a prolific offsetter, which mine are.
> The middle tepals of mine do not overlap the top and bottom tepals,
> which indicates G. italicus over G. communis.
> I am going to label mine as Gladiolus cf. italicus (cf loosely means
> "best guess"). Thank you PBS for good info, as usual.
> - Gastil
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