Was Iris collina - now Little yellow iris & more

aaron floden aaron_floden@yahoo.com
Tue, 29 Jan 2013 13:41:30 PST
my two cents...

I hate forma's. Forma designations are pointless nomenclatural inflation. One only need to look at Trillum recurvatum and its various forma's, color forms of various things, etc. A teratological form does not, and should not, require a name, neither do albino's, etc. If a species does exist in two color forms in disparate parts of the range then, by all means, give it a name.

 Iris sintensii - Italy -- if someone were to perform a phylogeographic study that shows that continental and peninsular forms were two separate clades without much divergence then a formal name would be nice. If there really is no morphological distinction, or were there no molecular differences then a cultivar name would be better. Continuing with Iris collina though is confusing when it has a proper name already.

 That said, is the plant Jurasek has sold seeds of the true sintenisii? I grew that plant for years, and very well, in Kansas. It was partly evergreen with floppy greyish leaves. It promptly died here in E Tennessee. Jim, do you still have divisions?



--- On Wed, 1/30/13, Dennis Kramb <dkramb@badbear.com> wrote:

From: Dennis Kramb <dkramb@badbear.com>
Subject: Re: [pbs] Was Iris collina - now Little yellow iris & more
To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
Date: Wednesday, January 30, 2013, 12:53 AM

Here's my two cents...

> 4. ... If the Italian form of I sintenisii known as I collina has some
> distinction, this distinction should be noted in the description and given
> a cultivar name. The name 'collina' is not acceptable. Usually cultivars
> are considered as plants with distinct flower colors, foliage, form etc.

I disagree.  The name "Iris collina" represents an entire regional
population, not just one particular clone or cultivar.  If botanists (or
tradesmen) choose to not accept it as a species, then it should be listed
as a forma (Iris sintenisii f. collina) or a subspecies (Iris sintenisii
ssp. collina) not as a cultivar.  As for me, a simple hobbyist/enthusiast,
I think "Iris collina" is perfectly acceptable.

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