Crinum bulbispermum

James Waddick
Fri, 05 Jul 2013 21:28:13 PDT
Dear Tony,

	All my bulbispermum originated from Marcel Shepperd direct from Les Hannibal although I may have some direct from Les, too. I always though they did not pup, but after some years in the ground, some are making offsets. In addition to this, seedlings from these original 'Jumbos' have also offset. One made an offset about the time it came into bloom and one even offset while still in the seedling pot. 

	Now these may possibly be hybrids, but we have little else that blooms at the same time  (x powellii) and the plants and seedlings all look just like typical bulbispermum with almost no foliage or form variation. Admittedly there could be some variation since these are all seed grown, but the variation would come (I think 100%) from the Hannibal plants.

	How old is your oldest plant in the ground? 		Odd these differences here and there. 		I'll go check by light of day and report.   Jim W. 

On Jul 5, 2013, at 7:41 PM, Tony Avent wrote:

> Jim:
> Since according to Dave Lehmiller, true Crinum bulbispemum never offsets, so the best viable option is seed.  ..... Well, the plants still aren't flowering size, but it is very obvious now from the foliage variation and size that there is quite a bit of cross breeding happening.  

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