I have posted before about my Sinningia tubiflora. I grow it in full summer sun here in Phoenix, Arizona in the Sonoran Desert. It is in sun for at least 6 hours per day. I use somewhat large containers; this year it is in a terra-cotta colored, round plastic container about 10" / 25cm across and deep. I do not let it dry out when in active growth. Under my conditions the leaves are thick and folded, a nice light green, with a very heavy fur coat of white hairs. It flowers continuously all summer. In mid June we had an unusually hot week. Daytime temperatures at my house ranged from 112 F / 44C to 122 F / 50C. Though the soil was moist, all the above-ground Sinningia burned to a dry crisp. I dug down into the soil and found the tubers in fine shape. Now, three weeks later, the plant is sprouting normal new growth. Leo Martin Phoenix Arizona USA