Alocasia hypnosa

Tony Avent
Fri, 28 Jun 2013 09:31:08 PDT

It's indeed an odd aroid...disappointed in winter hardiness also.  

Tony Avent
Plant Delights Nursery @
Juniper Level Botanic Garden
9241 Sauls Road
Raleigh, North Carolina  27603  USA
Minimum Winter Temps 0-5 F
Maximum Summer Temps 95-105F
USDA Hardiness Zone 7b
phone 919 772-4794
fax  919 772-4752
"I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it least three times" - Avent

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of James Waddick
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 12:09 PM
To: Pacific Bulb Society
Subject: Re: [pbs] Alocasia hypnosa

Dear Tony,

	Thanks for the info and link. My small tuber was planted in a med pot, then moved to a gall pot and now looks like it needs up potting again. 

	I was hoping its deciduous habit would indicate better hardiness (except it comes from the most tropical parts of Yunnan, alas).

	It is growing a bit oddly. I am hoping it will grow fairly weel during our warm wet summer (as opposed to the more typical drought). 

	Best		Jim 

On Jun 26, 2013, at 12:39 PM, Tony Avent wrote:

> Jim:
> Alocasia hypnosa was very marginal here in Z7b in a mild winter, so I'd consider it at best a Zone 8a/8b plant.

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