What's eating my bulb flowers?--Cats as chipmunk control

MARK MAZER AND FREDRIKA MAZER markmazerandfm13@earthlink.net
Wed, 13 Mar 2013 07:35:53 PDT
 I used "farm cats". These are tame, not 
>  feral (wild) cats with claws and teeth. 

Farm and feral and pet cats that roam free decimate precious ground nesting
wild birds like plover and quail and take an occasional guinea fowl.  Cats
are not welcome here and are considered invasive pests. Put a wire cage
around that precious nursery stock like we  have to do when we find a
vulnerable killdeer nest during breeding season.

The only good cat is an indoor cat.

Mark Mazer
Hertford, North Carolina USDA 8a

PS: No, we don't shoot cats nor do we encourage our "farm dogs" to dispose
of them like some of our neighbors do

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