BX 352

Roy Herold rherold@yahoo.com
Wed, 06 Nov 2013 14:17:46 PST
Robert Werra wrote:
 > Re BX352   As usual all were gone and BX closed in 24 hours.
It's against protocol, but I held back about half.

Bravo, Bob, and thanks!

I, too, have received requests from members for seeds or bulbs I donated 
to the BX that ran out before they could order. I've been more than 
happy to honor requests if I have any left, even to the extent of 
digging already potted bulbs. With free postage and all that--happy to 
share the wealth as long as they go to PBS members. Sometimes I get some 
neat stuff in return, but that isn't the goal.

True, working or otherwise busy folks who don't have the luxury of 
frequently checking email miss out on many of the BX offerings. There 
probably isn't an easy way to be fair to everyone, however.

Thanks to Dell, too. He's a saint!

NW of Boston

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