Surplus bulbs

Kipp McMichael
Tue, 26 Aug 2014 09:52:11 PDT

  The world is built on pretense. Here on the PBS list, this means we maintain the pretense that commercial activity never occurs even as our hobby (like most) necessarily includes commercial activity. Even in circumstances which are non-profit in spirit (such as Diana's offer of large bulbs), we run risk violating the letter of iBiblio's rules.
  In the immediate situation, I agree that Diana could likely get around the issue by carefully phrasing her announcements to be reportings of facts ("There is a sale at Telos right now") rather than a direct offer of commercial transaction ("I am selling off my large bulbs"). Silly, yes, but the world is built on pretense.
  Beyond the immediately situation, I do think it behooves the society to consider our commitment to ibiblio:///The/ society has the budget to afford its own web hosting. Adequate services could be had for ~$10 a month. More effort would be required (especially in the initial setup) but the flexibility we would have in setting our own rules would be considerable. Of course, the wiki is not a problem as it stands now.Many companies offer mailing group services. iBiblio's are free but are accompanied by some problemmatic constraints. Again, the society has more than enough of a budget to sustain the fees for a mailing list without the non-profit limitations iBiblio imposes.
   Although it had modest beginnings  and is still an endeavor of shared interest among a fairly small group, the PBS is large and healthy enough to consider fee-for-service options when it comes to the wiki and the mailing list. 
I am a web development professional and I would be happy to volunteer my time to assist with these efforts. Allowing a clickable hyerlink (or, dare I say, html formatting) in emails would reward enough for my work...

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