Ornithogalum failure to break dormancy (and people asking to unsubscribe)

hpovey@talk21.com hpovey@talk21.com
Sun, 07 Dec 2014 11:42:47 PST
If they have roots but no shoots then the bulbs did not go into dormancy for long enough and after this there is nothing you can do to wake them up until the next year. Amazingly the bulbs do not rot,but just sit with no shoots and nice white roots.

To ensure dormacy they require total dry and hot for at least 3 months.


 From: Nicholas Plummer <nickplummer@gmail.com>
To: Pacific Bulb Society <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org> 
Sent: Saturday, 6 December 2014, 13:17
Subject: [pbs] Ornithogalum failure to break dormancy (and people asking to unsubscribe)

Attention people who want to unsubscribe.  Please don't ask the entire list to do it for you.   We didn't sign you up for the list.   Just click on the link at the bottom of every single PBS email, including the one you just sent, and unsubscribe yourself. http://pacificbulbsociety.org/list.php#Change
Thank you.

Now, bulb content:  for the past few years, I have been growing the orange flowered Ornithogalum dubium that are widely available in the late winter (mine came from Trader Joes).  I keep them dry and warm in summer and repot in late September, and they have bloomed reliabley.  This year they failed to break dormancy.  I just dumped them out of the pot, and the bulbs appear healthy; there's just no growth.  The Wiki says that failure to grow is a common problem with this species, but I'm wondering if I should continue to water during the usual growth period even though the bulbs aren't doing anything.   Would that just be asking them to rot?


Durham, NC Zone 7

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 6, 2014, at 1:51 AM, <clawler9@cox.net> wrote:

> Hi
> Please remove me from the list.  Thanks
> Jeff Biletnikoff
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