source for Hesperantha vaginata

guy stephane andre l'eplattenier
Sun, 23 Feb 2014 00:19:12 PST
10 hesperantha vaginata are going to bloom in my garden in southern Catalunya / Spain... they come again every year and  I am looking forward to seeing them, it is such a black and yellow show!
  I had the first bulbs from Lauw's at Bulbargence many yars ago, but these were grown from their seeds ( or seeds from Silverhill?  I don't remember), they do well, they produce seeds and the only delicate point is that I have to water them a bit when winter is too dry, common problem in the kind of med. climate we have here ( Rains in autumn and spring with a dry windy gap in between...)
The other point is that soil is basically clay/ lime/ stone and now I always put some sand under the bulbs ( and other plants) I try here...
PS : If I get enough and you do not need too many, I can keep you some seeds for next BX
> From:
> To:
> Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 23:03:11 +0000
> Subject: Re: [pbs] source for Hesperantha vaginata
> Besides, it is not the easiest South African corm or bulb, from seed chances of adaptation to one's conditions are better.
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