Hi, In this discussion of Dierama one thing hasn't been mentioned. This is for the most part a genus of the southern African summer-rainfall region with only one species that extends into the Cape Floral Region, Dierama pendulum. Even it grows in the southeastern cape which I believe has some rain year round. In the Color Encyclopedia of Cape Bulbs it says there are 44 species, mostly summer growing, coastal and montane. The ones we saw on the wonderful Eastern Cape trip with Cameron were mostly high elevation ones. But we only saw a few of the species. In my coastal Northern California garden Dierama had been planted on our property. I've never been sure whether it is a hybrid or the winter rainfall one or D. pulcherrimum, an evergreen species. I didn't deadhead at first and it reseeded about. Even though it is evergreen, it has grown in areas with very little summer water and been very tolerant of a lot of rain in winter. In my garden it blooms best in sunny areas. I'm glad that Lee pointed out that you have to think of more than how cold it gets in winter when you are considering what you can grow. That's what Mike Mace's wonderful wiki climate pages are all about. Using Zones is not enough. In the early days of the wiki the only photos we had of Dierama were taken by Rob Hamilton who was growing them in Tasmania, the state in Australia with the coolest temperatures. Are there any others in our group who have grown any of the species successfully besides D. pendulum or pulcherrimun? If so, please describe your climate. I think the one to try would be Dierama pulcherrimum. And perhaps direct seeding is also helpful or transplanting in the ground when plants are young. Many years ago I was tossing some clumps of corms and had a request to try them from Marilyn in the Bay Area. She found that they did sprout for her, but they never grew well and eventually she got rid of them. Mary Sue Mary Sue Ittner California's North Coast Wet mild winters with occasional frost Dry mild summers