Lycoris shaanxiensis?

Peter Franks
Mon, 24 Feb 2014 16:37:22 PST
Hi to all

It occurs to me that the currently available commercial taxon labelled
"Lycoris shaanxiensis" doesn't match the descriptions found in Hsu et al in
Sida 1994, 16 (2): 314 and again in Flora of China 24: 268

These sources state that L. shaanxiensis has white flowers with a few
pinkish streaks and with red keels. Also that leaves are produced in early

In a major article by Philip Adams found in Herbertia 2011, 65: 144, fig 28
Adams describes a taxon with flowers of "pale creamy yellow" with
"occasional pinkish to reddish stripes". The leaves of his plants, he says
emerge in early September, not early spring

Adams makes comparison with L. shaanxiensis as he grows it, with L.
straminea Lindl. non hort. Japan. He compares the two in size, colouring and
leaf phenology and maintains they are similar

Adams also states that the specific name "shaanxiensis" means "from the Shan
States" of Myanmar whereas Hsu, et al and FoC state that L. shaanxiensis is
from the Chinese province of Shaanxi, north of Sichuan

Most of the illustrations I have found of L. shaanxiensis on the 'net show
umbels of spiderform flowers with lemony yellow buds opening to tepals with
a lemony yellow midstripe with keels of the same colour and white margins.
No red is seen, except on the distal part of the stigma

These, with Adams' plants, are apparently the commercially available "L

The Hangzhou Botanic Garden website has an illustration of a differently
coloured taxon. No yellow is seen. Flowers are mostly white with some pink
or red on the buds. This taxon conforms better to the original description
in Hsu et al and FoC

As for leaf phenology, I would have thought it unlikely that the commercial
clone would produce leaves in autumn if it is truly L. shaanxiensis. It
seems to me that the prevailing winter climate of Shaanxi Province would not
encourage Lycoris to produce overwintering leaves

FoC states the leaves are up to 50cm long by 1.8cm wide, lacking a distinct
pale median stripe. I have no reports on what dimensions and colour the
commercial L. shaanxiensis has - do they match?

Your information and suggestions are welcome


Peter in Sydney where it's steamy & around 25C

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Rimmer
Sent: Tuesday, 25 February 2014 9:31 AM
To: Pacific Bulb Society
Subject: [pbs] Lachanelia from BX 353

Here are some photos of some Lachanelia blooming now, these were received in
a recent BX offering.
grown in basement under lights with a fan, 63-75F days 53-55F nights…

Thank you Dell and Monica Swartz for sharing and to all who contribute to
the BX.


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