Long-flowering bulbs

Diane Whitehead voltaire@islandnet.com
Fri, 28 Feb 2014 16:15:29 PST
I think we should take care to distinguish individual flowers that remain in bloom a very long time (like my Narcissus romieuxii which last at least 6 weeks in the garden) from plants that have short-lived flowers but continue to open new flowers over a long period.

Someone could even do some research on the causes.  Is it my cloudy skies and lack of pollinators?  Are the flowers patiently awaiting pollination?

Diane Whitehead
Victoria, B.C., Canada
cool mediterranean climate
mild dry summers, mild rainy winters

On 2014-02-28, at 3:21 PM, Michael Mace wrote:

> Obviously there will be different winners in different climates, but two
> that stand out for me are:
> --Moraea polystachya (blooms profusely from late summer to mid-winter).
> ---Some of the Oxalis obtusa hybrids (start in fall and still in bloom now).
> My best performer is a pink and yellow unnamed one that I got from Siskiyou
> Rare Plants more than a decade ago.

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