Erythronium 'Sundisc' parents

Paige Woodward
Sat, 15 Feb 2014 20:33:48 PST
Jane, thank you. I never thought to look for 'Sundisc' in the old H&D lists, regarding our friend Antoine Hoog mainly as a species man; but he is also a plantsman and businessman. And I am a blockhead. 

Your Blom hybrid sounds wonderful. 


I don't have the 1996 catalogue, but in the 2000 one 
On Feb 15, 2014, at 4:05 PM, Jane McGary <> wrote:

> Regarding Paige Woodward's inquiry:
> Here is a quote from an old descriptive catalog, copyright 1996, 
> prepared by Antoine Hoog when he was in business with Jan Dix:
> "'Sundisc' raised by Mr W. P. van Eeden from a 'Pagoda' seedling; 
> exciting new hybrid; flowers slightly darker than in 'Pagoda'' less 
> drooping so making the inside better visible; leaves brown, very dark 
> and unusual, could prove to be very effective in bedding displays."
> Further to this, 'Pagoda' is a hybrid of Erythronium tuolumnense and 
> E. californicum 'White Beauty'. Apparently the pollen parent of 
> 'Sundisc' is not recorded, but it might be 'Pagoda' selfed. I don't 
> know whether Erythronium is self-fertile. I have not found 'Sundisc' 
> to increase as well as 'Citronella' and 'Pagoda'.
> Incidentally, just this morning I saw germinating seedlings from seed 
> I saved of a beautiful small pink-flowered Erythronium hybrid raised 
> by Walter Blom and later purchased and propagated for sale by Diana 
> Reeck of Collectors Nursery. I assume one of the parents of the Blom 
> hybrid is E. revolutum, but the hybrid's flowers are lighter in color 
> and more profuse. I don't know whether the seed I obtained is selfed 
> or perhaps the pollen parent was some other plant, but there are no 
> other erythroniums in the immediate vicinity of this plant.
> Jane McGary
> Portland, Oregon, USA
> At 09:59 PM 2/14/2014, Paige wrote:
>> One parent of the robust Erythronium hybrid 'Sundisc' is E. 
>> tuolumnense. I am willing to take this for granted. Is the rest of 
>> its ancestry registered, or plausibly published, somewhere? I've 
>> been wandering online through Sargassos of recopied blither.
>> All may be plain to those of you who know about registering 
>> cultivated plants. I am out in the weeds of species.
>> Given the fox-colored throat markings of 'Sundisc', my chief 
>> suspects for the other parent are two species with similar throat 
>> markings: E. oregonum and E. californicum, both white-flowered. All 
>> three species are broadly within wild range of each other, given an 
>> Olympics-caliber flying pollinator;  but perhaps this is a garden cross.
>> 'Sundisc' is so very robust and vigorous that it is tempting to 
>> imagine the almost as vigorous selection E. californicum 'White 
>> Beauty' as the other parent. On the other hand, E. oregonum 
>> sometimes has tepals with backs as green as those of 'Sundisc'.
>> But there is no saying (is there?) that only two species are involved.
>> Please speak up if you know the story of 'Sundisc'.
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