Hot I'n the lily patch !

Tue, 11 Feb 2014 12:47:28 PST

Well the temperature has reached new heights on my little mountain.. My average summer days have never reached above 34 to 36* C, my average being under 30* but this season the heat-waves have been far reaching & a staggering 40* & above took it's toll a few weeks ago.. I didn't have a big enough thermometer but closer to Brisbane touched 44... Most of my softer bulbs & lilies have quickly scorched & gone semi dormant. Various sporadic growths of both summer & winter bulbs have sprouted after rain, but watering got nowhere as the hot wind even evaporated overnight.. After 6 years of growing meadow saffron, combined with last dry season, they have all died I think.. The potted lilies really struggled but all my PBS BX Autumn growing bulbs have sprouted a month or 2 early.. 
Ina's zephyranthes seedlings were 3 weeks old & they got scorched to invisible I'n 3 hours, I thought they would be done for, but with lots of water they have sprouted again.. 

All I'n all it's been an interesting look at the resilience & adaptability of flower bulbs & lilies 

Steven :  )

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