USA sources of Rhodohypoxis (was: Re: will albuca seeds survive freezing?)

Lee Poulsen
Mon, 27 Jan 2014 17:34:55 PST
Speaking of Rhodohypoxis, I used to grow a number of these; various different cultivars. They grew quite well in pots here in So. Calif. and multiplied steadily, filling their pots.
Then one particular winter, we happened to have neither cats nor dogs at that point, and mice or rats or something ate every single dormant bulb in every pot of them. However, that was after 9/11 when our US Dept. of Agriculture clamped down and stopped allowing the phytosanitary-certificate-free importation of dormant bulbs. There were a few USA sources for a small number of cultivars, but a much larger number of different cultivars were available from the UK--which is where I had gotten most of mine. Last year I Googled around for USA sources and found very few, with still a small variety of cultivars (and much more expensive than 10 years earlier!). Maybe my search terms weren't stated well enough, or maybe I just didn't persevere long enough in my searching, but can anyone please list a number of good sources with a good selection of cultivars in the USA? Thanks!

--Lee Poulsen
Pasadena, California, USA - USDA Zone 10a
Latitude 34°N, Altitude 1150 ft/350 m

On Jan 25, 2014, at 5:03 PM, Alberto <> wrote:
> Yes, R. baurii forms are extremely popular in England and in Scotland but mainly in pots to appreciate them better during the long season of bloom.

On Jan 25, 2014, at 1:45 PM, Ellen Hornig <hornig@Oswego.EDU> wrote:
> While I think of it, I wonder how many people have tried Rhodohypoxis
> baurii in cold gardens?  I've found them to be very hardy, persistent and
> willing to multiply (more vegetatively than by seed, I think).
> Ellen

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