Rhodophiala bakeri (possibly R. moelleri)

Ina Crossley klazina1@gmail.com
Wed, 12 Mar 2014 11:45:13 PDT
My apologies, this is the right link.  Thank you George and Gastil for 
mentioning the link not working.

Have just been doing battle with Flickr and Google+ (I hate the problems 
that is causing with links) and find the link part most frustrating.

I havemy first flower in Rhodophiala bakeri.  It is a gorgeous peachy 
colour, but it has white stripes on the petals.  As the seed originally 
came from Chileflora, is it possible to have this variation?  As the 
photos I Googled of the flower, don't seem to show the stripe.


And if you are correct George, this may actually be R. moelleri, which 
would be wonderful.


Ina Crossley
Auckland New Zealand zone 10a

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