Polygonatum vert. "Himalayan Giant"

Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Fri, 07 Mar 2014 09:22:00 PST
Aaron wrote:
>  The "Himalayan Giant" was a name given to an Indian form of 
> "verticillatum" and sold by Hoog and Dix. It seems to be abundant 
> in nurseries in the EU, but mostly absent in the US.
>  It should have larger flowers on longer peduncles and it is a 
> larger plant overall. I am not sure what it really is at this 
> point, but I know it is not verticillatum. The problem is that 
> there are several non-cirrhose, whorled, leaved Polygonatum in 
> northern India, Nepal and eastward into China.

That seems to explain why I have two different-looking plants under 
the name Polygonatum verticillatum. One is larger than the other in 
all parts and spreads faster too. Several interesting Polygonatum 
species have shown up at nurseries and plant sales in the Portland, 
Oregon area in recent years, particularly some introduced by Diana 
Reeck of Collectors Nursery. They are a useful foliage contrast with 
other shade-tolerant plants such as hostas and ferns, and the stems 
in flower or later can be cut for elegant, long-lasting arrangements. 
Although some spread fast, they are shallow-rooted (here, anyway) and 
thus easily controlled.

Jane McGary
Portland, Oregon, USA

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