Honeybees, Pollinator study.

T O enoster@hotmail.com
Fri, 14 Nov 2014 10:11:12 PST
The one possible downside of the presence of honeybees is their capacity to spread mites, viruses and disease to native bee populations. This situation is exasperated by the higher concentrations of honeybees in parts of the country where large apiaries operate (Midwestern states?) There is speculation that in areas where there are high concentrations of hb hives and little available forage the honeybees do actively compete with native species. I do not believe there has been too much research on this though.

That being said, I love honeybees and possess a hive myself. For the past two years I have been recording observations and collecting data on what plants are pollinated by what, including many bulbs. I will someday share my studies here.

If anyone is interested, I would like to gather data on the pollinators that visit various geophytes in other parts of the country (or world). What I would like is an entire years observations on what flower species (variety, whatnot)  is visited by what insect (or bird, etc.) at what date (at least what month). If anyone is interested or wants more details please send me a private email.

-Travis Owen
Rogue River, OR

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