CITES and Galanthus

B Spencer
Wed, 12 Nov 2014 08:18:03 PST
Hear, Hear Judy. The polar vortex, which became a household word lately.
After the never ending winter, cold summer and now this,  it is hard to take 
the global warning thing  seriously. I know, I know! It is only a snap shot 
in the overall weather pattern! Off to the garden to  do whatever in 
I enjoyed the whole discussion about plant conservation and government 
involvement ( one does not live by bulb alone), but who  am I among the 
heavyweights of horticulture such as yourself to pipe in?  Maybe following 
common sense is a better choice that adhering to the letter of the law 
It is so wonderful to hear from people whom I only knew from reading books 
before I joined the society and all the other  diverse people who contribute 
horticultural wisdom to this forum

-----Original Message----- 
From: Judy Glattstein
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 9:21 AM
Subject: [pbs] CITES and Galanthus

A number of years ago I was in England. A friend I was visiting said he
would give me some named Galanthus cultivars. I had an import permit.

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