Have You Noticed More Critter Damage This Year?

Judy Glattstein jgglatt@gmail.com
Fri, 24 Apr 2015 05:28:26 PDT
Some bulbs always get eaten - tulips. Some seemingly never get eaten - 
narcissus. This year, even though snow is gone and flowers are hurling 
themselves into bloom (and quickly vanishing again) I'm seeing some 
munching on plants I would no expect.

Anemone - either A. flaccida and / or A. nemorosa 'Vestal' (they've run 
together.) Non-bulbous - Rhododendron yakusimanum has fuzzy undersides 
to leaves. Deer never ate - until this year.

Anyone else seen his sort of thing?

Judy in New Jersey where we've flip-flopped from oddly high 78 degree F. 
weather back to the more normal 50s

Still the grumpy left-handed, one-fingered typist - orthopedist didn't 
like how my wrist had "settled." So after 28 days of knitting together 
he "unraveled" the bones and put in pins. Today is my first post-op 
visit. I'd cross my fingers for a good report but with only one working 
hand I have none to spare

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