Dry summer lilies

Robin robin@no1bird.net
Tue, 07 Apr 2015 11:24:30 PDT
diana, i am in beaufort, sc and  grow atamasco lillies  which are native 
here.  they are no problem.

On 4/7/2015 1:54 PM, Diana Chapman wrote:
> Hi Mike and Jim:
> I am no long growing native lilies.  They are very difficult, and need 
> regular treatment with fungicides, and I lose them frequently, so I 
> have pretty much given up on them.  I can't even grow the ones that 
> are native to my area!!  I can get them to germinate, but each year 
> fewer and fewer return.  I also got more complaints from customers 
> about lilies, in the "they died" category.  They are just very fussy, 
> and need exactly the right growing conditions.
> Diana
> Telos
>> Jim wrote:
>>> I am looking for dry summer lilies to use in my oak woodland 
>>> landscaping
>> Try Telos Rare Bulbs this summer (they are out of stock at the 
>> moment, and
>> besides this isn't bulb shipping season). They may also be able to 
>> give you
>> advice on which bulbs might survive in your conditions.
>> The other thing to do is check the Sources list on the wiki. Just go 
>> to the
>> Wiki contents page and look for the link to Sources.
>> There used to be some commercial sources for western North America lily
>> seeds, but I'm not aware of any at the moment.
>> I garden in San Jose in an oak woodland, similar to your climate but the
>> summers are not as brutal. Even here I doubt that I could get any native
>> lilies to survive without some supplemental irrigation in summer...
>> Good luck!
>> Mike
>> San Jose, CA (zone 9, min temp 20F)
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