Now We've Seen Everything

Jim McKenney
Thu, 20 Aug 2015 15:08:01 PDT
I hope we have not seen everything yet. It would be neat if someone kept it in the family, so-to-speak, and used konjac gels to make little gummy bear-like treats in the shape of titan arums. Or maybe a cookie folded like a calla lily with a rubbery, chewy spadix made of konjac gel. Or maybe a disk of konjac gel folded like a calla lily with a nice big nut like a Brazil nut for the spadix. 
Maybe I'll make some for fun for distribution at Halloween. Or maybe I'll eat them all myself. 

Jim McKenneyMontgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7 where a big storm is on the way,  and it has cooled off enough to allow me to think about baking cookies. 
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