Canna flaccida, seed viability

Fri, 23 Jan 2015 15:10:16 PST
I found some seeds of Canna flaccida from BX #258, November 2010.  
They've been stored at room temp in a spare bedroom all this time.  I 
scarified them & soaked them and today (4 days later) they're 
germinating.  :-)  Impressive, but not unexpected!  These seeds remind 
me of Nelumbo seeds, which are reported to retain viability for decades 
if not centuries.

I also found seeds of Hibiscus moscheutos from 2011 which I'm trying to 
soak & get them to germinate.  The jury is still out on those for now.

I'm happy Canna flaccida will bloom in my garden again this season.  I 
actually have much fresher seeds, but wanted to see if these old seeds 
were still good.  They are!

Dennis in Cincinnati

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