Resnova humifusa or Drimiopsis maxima

Mary Sue Ittner
Fri, 26 Jun 2015 19:19:26 PDT

I got the request below for a plant I once grew, but no longer have. 
If anyone can help him obtain this plant, please contact him 
privately at "Dmitrijs Uzameckis" <>

Mary Sue

>I'm a researcher and curator of our small collection of rare and 
>unusual plants in Daugavpils University (LATVIA)!
>At the moment we are doing some research on Drimia, Drimiopsis, 
>Ledebouria and Resnova....
>We are missing for our collection - Resnova humifusa or Drimiopsis maxima!
>If so, are there any opportunities to obtain this amazing plant from you?
>With hope for your kind assistance,
>Dr. Dmitrijs Uzameckis, PhD
>Dpt. of Molecular Biology & Genetics
>Institute of Ecology
>Daugavpils University
>phone: +371 29958536

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