Day of the Themids

Sun, 14 Jun 2015 10:38:27 PDT
Regarding the dormant period for summer growing themids of western Mexico
(Bessera, Milla, etc.), in my experience they require a perfectly dry rest
from late fall to late May-June. Here this means keeping them outdoors
protected from winter rains. They are inactive in spring (when conditions
are often very dry and hot in their habitats) and often keep green leaves
surprisingly late into cool weather, even November-December in some cases.
They enjoy heat and humidity in summer. I grow them in cramped quarters in
a gritty mix with up to 20% organic matter, the rest is pumice/perlite and
sand. A five inch pot might hold a half dozen mature corms of a given

Dylan Hannon
Los Angeles CA

*"The greatest service which can be rendered any country is to add an
useful plant to its cultureā€¦" --**Thomas Jefferson*
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