Scilla maderensis question

Vivien Bouffard
Thu, 14 Jan 2016 17:33:43 PST
Last fall I ordered 3 bulbs from, a company I've
ordered from a few times, with mixed results.  I had been looking for Scilla
maderensis bulbs and they had them as a new item, for a pretty good price,
indicating that they were being grown commercially in Israel.  Assuming this
is true, perhaps Ricardo can track down who in Israel is doing the growing.


Of the three bulbs I received, one got established pretty quickly and
bloomed pretty impressively.  A second sent up a less impressive spike.  The
third hasn't made any roots and is just sitting there.  We'll see what
happens next year to these.



Norwood, MA, Z6


<<Message: 7

Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2016 12:02:03 -0800

From: Jane McGary <>

To: Pacific Bulb Society <>

Subject: [pbs] Scilla maderensis question

Message-ID: <>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed


The following inquiry was received via our website. If you live in Europe or
the UK and can provide bulbs or seeds to Ricardo Ruiz, please write to him
directly at his address below.



-------- Forwarded Message --------

Subject:    PBS website contact:///Question/.

Date:       12 Jan 2016 09:00:26 -0500, Tue, 12 Jan 2016 09:00:25 -0500

From:       Apache <apache@>

Reply-To:   Ricardo <>





This is a message from the PBS website for janemcgary.


Hello Jane, my name is Ricardo, I am from Spain.


First of all, congratulations for the good job of making the web.


I would like to ask if you know anybody who has Scilla maderensis bulbs.

I checked on the internet and there are some nurserys from USA that has it
but  not ship to Europe.


Thank you very much.


Kind regards.>>


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