Website comments

Jane McGary
Sun, 17 Jul 2016 16:21:01 PDT
At the PBS board meeting this morning we talked a little about the PBS 
website. I'm one of the people who answer questions that visitors to the 
site ask. Sometimes the questions are from visitors who do not know much 
English, and they ask how to join and similar things.

We welcome comments from members of this forum who read English as a 
foreign language. Do you have suggestions about how we can make our 
website easier for people around the world to use?

I also answer quite a few questions asking "how to buy the bulbs," but 
these come from all over the world, including the USA and UK. Apparently 
people get directly to the wiki via a search engine and misunderstand it 
as a sales catalog!

Finally, thanks to all of you who have helped answer some of the 
questions I've forwarded to this list in the past.

Jane McGary

Membership Coordinator, PBS

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