Boophone seed

Kipp McMichael
Mon, 20 Jun 2016 13:45:02 PDT
  Boophone seeds are generally ready to sprout once the infructescence is dried-out. When the entire seed-head detaches from the bulb they seed should all be ripe and ready to plant.
  I assume you mean you have several other Boophone in pots: Assuming your garden is gopher-free and given your location in Santa Barbara, there's no reason you shouldn't move your bulbs into your garden - you will certainly get more reliable blooming when the plants are given a large root run (and this goes for all the winter-growing South African amaryllids)

> To:
> From:
> Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2016 13:14:23 -0700
> Subject: [pbs] Boophone seed
> Thanks Kipp - you prompted me to go over every flower and I found 3 
> seed!  I was surprised at the size, just like a pea.  I won't have 
> trouble finding them again.
> Should they be planted now or do they need time to ripen further.
> Next will see if my B. josephina will flower this Fall.
> I have several others in pots but they are dormant - when should I move 
> them into my garden.
> Jim Foster
> Santa Barbara
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